Thursday, November 6, 2008

I just can't shave it, that's all.

So I'm getting a haircut tomorrow and through the magic of google images I realized something--Shannyn Sossaman is gorgeous. She doesn't do much really, the last thing I saw her in that was awesome was a super small part in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (which is hi-larious) and the last thing I saw her in that suuucked was, of course, One Missed Call (which I only watched because I knew it was going to suuuuck). Check her out though. Can I pull this hair off? Hmmm...She has a stylist I bet. See, I want to look like this without someone having to prep me every morning. I'm a pretty restless sleeper and I hate to brush my hair--that should do it, right? The messy look? And then if I brush it it would look like this:


Traci said...

You can definitely do it. But I would advise cutting it a little shorter in front (not the bangs, but the front sides...does that make sense?) because that little extra length will be problematic with thin hair. Trust me, I did this. A tad shorter is always better. Have fun!

Kate said...

I like Traci's suggestion. But I gotta stick with my bro and advise against the bangs. Whenever I see people with short bangs it just looks like they had an accident. I think you just have sweepy bang/front sides and go with the rest.

Alison said...

The update is that's like a shorter bob in back and gets longer to the front. She had A Vision. It looks quite nice. And everyone is happy I didn't get the bangs apparently.

karL said...

i have had a crush on this lady for years! go for it!