Sunday, November 16, 2008

Really? The Baldwin/Disney edtion

This is Stephen Baldwin and Miley Cyrus pointing out his Hannah Montana tattoo.



karL said...

at least its not daniel baldwin . . .

karL said...

and is it so bad that i am just waaaaiting for all her crash and burn whore stories to come out?!

(and may i point out that the ridiculous "word verification" i have to type in in order to post this is ovies. ovies. is that like the new shortened word for ovaries? if not, im startin the trend.)

Kate said...

I cannot believe that Achey Breaky Heart let his little girl hang out with that Baldwin.

Anonymous said...

Someone hacked into her MySpace and said that she'd been killed by a drunk driver. They also made it impossible for her to delete it too.

Anonymous said...

This is the saddest thing that has ever happened. Right after that homeless guy getting "Bum Fights" tattooed onto his forehead in exchange for a bottle of cheap whiskey. Truth is, it's probably what Baldwin did it for as well.