Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In case you missed it...

So tonight's enhanced version of Lost was 98% recapping and reminders. The only real info I learned was that the anagram for the funeral home where John Jeremy resided is an anagram for "flash forward" and that when Ben winds up in the Tunisian desert after turning the wheel, 11 months have passed. And there was a sneak preview involving Sayid and Hurley. And a couple of commercials which only serve to make you more anxious, as if you weren't enough already (there was a scene from a baby delivery, I think it was maybe my favorite couple...). Oh well, it gave me another chance to turn on the waterworks for Des and Penny's Triumphant Reunion. And give the info that is running a showdown of important scenes. Of course I already visited and voted. And yes, I voted for Des everytime!

1 comment:

Alli said...

maybe ben didnt go straight from the island to the desert? although htere is that weird time delay that we already know about right